How could I possibly have NOT commented on today's let's-quickly-get-this-over-with-cause-I'm-gonna-get-screwed dialogue session? Oh, before I go be my own sarcastic self, here is a disclaimer, just in case.
Disclaimer: You have no obligations whatsoever to read this entry so if anyONE feels offended by this entry, we(I) are not responsible for it.
So anyway, I've heard that the Mr. P of our school google his name to see if any cheeky monkeys bitch about him. He's even more insecure and vain than me lor, please. Therefore I shall not name him and besides you would know who I'm talking about...
Yes you do...
He is Then...
He's also abit...
Of course, we had a commercial break from Mr. P. for a while. I thought its a P******** to students dialogue session? Hey, get off the stage, woman!
Disclaimer: This material may contain unpleasant and offending contents. Too scared to read? LEAVE NOW. (maycontainabitpornographicmaterialtoo) Hello one and all. I know this is really overdue but its still the thought that counts right? Firstly, happy new year! This year, 2008, we have 2 new classmates joining our awesome class. HAHA. They are... Who came to become Samantha's close friend. Thats when I realised something, people who look alike or generally has something in common usually hang out with each other. Don't believe me? I shall prove my thesis statement true to you.
Here is my first twosome: 'Nuff said.
Then you have the Threesome: I swear I'm not making this up.
Then you have another threesome: Well, I know for a fact that Jasmine comes from Zhong Hua SS, Elvina from C.C.SS (Yes, laugh all you want but I don't know how to spell it) and Jia Le from... I forgot where it is.
Well, this next one should be convincing, they stand one head taller than everyone else: I'm sorry, I cannot help adding it in, but can you imagine both of them being mean? hahahahah! To do them justice, I have to say both of them are nice like no one's business, they'll never be as mean as me to say such nasty stuff to anyone. But its true.
Then you have those black horses who make my theory seem bad: But wait! HAAHAHAH! JUST KIDDING! Both of them are the coolest in class man.
Well, I'm too tired and running out of time to evaluate the entire class so forgive me if you feel you should be here but I haven't mentioned you.
P.S.: I forgot about PRESLEY! Well, we all know Elvis is Elvina's elder brother and he is quite talented.
Signing off till next post, Eddy.
HEY PEOPLE! check this out. it's the OTHELLO RAP! (by the Reduced Shakespeare Company) it's pretty much summarizes the whole plot of the story and it's really really funny!
Here are the words to the rap: Here's the story of a brother by the name of Othello. He liked white women and he liked green Jell-O. And a punk named Iago who made himself a menace Because he didn't like Othello, the Moor of Venice. Now Othello got married to a chick named Desdemona. But he went off to the wars and he left her alona. It was a mona-- A groana-- He left her alona. He didn't write a letter and didn't telefona. Desdemona she was fearful, she was chastity-tight. She was the daughter of the Duke. Yeah, she was totally white. Now Othello loved Desi like Adonis loved Venus. And Desi loved Othello -- 'Cuz he had a big sword. Iago said, I'm gonna shaft the Moor. How're you gonna do it? Tell us. Well, I know his tragic flaw: He's too damn jealous. I need a dupe, I need a dope, I need a kind of a schmo. So he found himself a chump sucker by the name of Cassio. So he plants on him Desdemona's handkerchiefs. So Othello starts to wondering just maybe if while he's been out fighting, Commanding an army. Desi and Cass were playing hide the salami. Salami, salami, s-s-salami. So he comes back home and stuck a pillow on her face. Kills her and soliloquizes 'bout his disgrace. But there's Amelia at the door who we met in Act IV. Who says, "You big dummy. She weren't no ho." She was pure, clean, virginal too. So why'd you have to go and make her face turn blue? It's true. It's you. Now what you gonna do? And Othello says, Damn, this is getting pretty scary. So he pulled out a blade and committed hara-kiri. Do that funky Moor thing, white boy. Iago got caught but he probably copped a plea. Loaded up his bags And moved to Beverly. Hills, that is. We have been the Reduced Shakespeare Company.
Well, this is kinda belated since school has already started for 4 days already..but anyway,
Miss Anne Victor
Mr Teo Lye Heng
Jia Le