We were the coolest, sickest, most awesome people there I tell you!
What an ENRICHING, EYE-OPENING and EDUCATIONAL trip it was! Whee. Enjoy.
9 of us: Xiaoyan, Kaiyang, Benjamin, Dominic/que, Elvie, Jasmine, Judith, Eddy, and I (Rachel)!
Elvie having fun on the cart full of bags.
Do you spot the loner-fish??? (HEEHEE INSIDE JOKE HERE ASK AROUND TO FIND OUT)
The Winter Section
Traffic Light
Desdemona tries out some makeup!
Elvie drives a toy car.
Kaiyang has a very big tent. HAHA.
Kaiyang finds out where he belongs.
The Wine Section
Ben and a can of unchilled beer.
At one point, Xiaoyan went missing! (ATTENTION ALL NTUC CUSTOMERS: We have a child Poh Xiao Yan, I REPEAT, a lost child Poh Xiao Yan. Wearing a brownish uniform, 18 years old. Anyone who finds her please bring her to customers service counter... I REPEAT... WE HAVE A LOST CHILD....)
And there was mention of cucumbers. BIG cucumbers and rotton looking vegetables, and something to do with EDDY AND POINTY CONES OOOOhHH.
Ok that's all.
All the best for PROMOS!
Love, Rachel.